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Courses - Summer 2023
Psychology Department Site
Death, Dying and Grieving: What Future Healthcare Professionals Need to Know
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: PSYC100.
What do future healthcare professionals need to know about death dying and grieving? Theories and research related to death, dying and grieving, interventions with the dying and grieving, and communication about end-of-life issues in healthcare settings will be examined. Topics include trajectories of common illnesses, palliative and hospice care, ethical and multicultural issues, suicide, models of grieving, post-traumatic growth, and self-reflection regarding values, biases, and beliefs regarding death. This class will prepare students for careers as psychologists, physicians, nurses, or social workers as they will obtain foundational knowledge, engage in self-reflection, and practice communication skills that can be used with future clients or patients who are dying or grieving the dying/death of a loved one.