Restriction: Permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
Credit only granted for: LBSC602, or both LBSC601 and LBSC650.
An introduction to the skills necessary to interact directly with individuals through the exploration of user behavior theory, strategies to locate and evaluate information from print and electronic resources, and policies and procedures to ensure that all individuals can become information literate.
Achieving Organizational Excellence
Grad Meth:
Reg, Aud
Restriction: Permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
Credit only granted for: LBSC631 or LBSC635.
Overview of the principles, practices, and techniques required for effective leadership and management. The innovative strategies, management responsibilities, and skills needed to achieve and sustain high organizational performance in information-based cultural institutions.
Collection Development
Grad Meth:
Reg, Aud, S-F
Prerequisite: LBSC602; or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
Credit only granted for: LBSC 644 or LBSC 708G.
Formerly: LBSC 708G.
Activities through which library collections are systematically developed and managed are explored, especially the formulation and implementation of written collection development policies. Other specific topics include identification of user needs; collection evaluation; fund allocation among competing departments, subjects, and/or media; selection methods; intellectual freedom; storage alternatives; and cooperative collection development.
Literature and Materials for Young Adults
Grad Meth:
Reg, Aud
Restriction: Permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
Credit only granted for: LBSC646 or LBSC746.
Formerly: LBSC746.
Survey of literature and other materials for older children and adolescents. Criteria for evaluating and using such materials as they relate to the needs, interests, reading abilities, and other capabilities of young readers.
The Lifecycle of Information
Grad Meth:
Reg, Aud
Restriction: Permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
Credit only granted for: LBSC671, or LBSC670 and LBSC690.
Introduction to methods used to create, acquire, organize, manage and preserve information. Information systems currently used to support digital and physical libraries, databases, and repositories will be explored.
Field Study in Information Service
Grad Meth:
Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: LBSC602, LBSC671, and LBSC631; and must have completed an additional 9 credits. Or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Must be in Library and Information Science (Master's) program; and permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
Supervised internship experience in a library, archive, museum, or other information organization.
Special Topics in Library and Information Science; Planning Successful Events
Grad Meth:
Reg, Aud, S-F
Special Topics in Library and Information Science; Roles and Responses during Crises
Grad Meth:
Reg, Aud, S-F
Special Topics in Library and Information Science; Using Technology for Interactive Instruction
Grad Meth:
Reg, Aud, S-F
Independent Study
Credits:1 - 3
Grad Meth:
Reg, Aud
Contact department for information to register for this course.
(Perm Req)
Master's Thesis Research
Credits:1 - 6
Grad Meth:
Contact department for information to register for this course.