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Courses - Spring 2025
Agricultural Science and Technology
Open Seats as of
01/02/2025 at 03:30 PM
Advanced Crop Science
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: PLSC112, PLSC113, BSCI160, BSCI161, and MATH113 or higher.
Recommended: ANSC101.
Credit only granted for: PLSC407 or AGST400.
Formerly: PLSC407.
Additional information: There will be two required Saturday field trips during the semester. Because of the changing nature of agriculture, the dates of these field trips will be decided upon at the beginning of the semester by discussion among the students and based on cooperators availability and environmental factors. Students will have a minimum of two weeks notice as to the dates of the field trips.
Focuses on the study of the agronomic principles and practices required for the production of food, feed, fiber and fuel crops. This is a project-based course where students will develop a farm plan from knowledge gained in previous courses and built upon in this course. Students will learn to integrate data and information from many sources in order to build and operate a successful and sustainable agronomic farm operation using current and new technology. The use of farm management software will be an integral part of the course and farm project.