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Courses - Spring 2025
Online Business MS Programs
Open Seats as of
03/11/2025 at 09:30 AM
(Perm Req)
Data, Models and Decisions
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: Permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Restriction: Must be in an online Business Master of Science program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
The field of data analytics is a very vibrant and broad field. The amount of data available and computing power have exploded in recent years. There is an increasing demand for business analysts who can select and apply the appropriate methods and interpret the results within the context of the problem. The goal of this course is to learn methods for exploring data and building models with the purpose of supporting data-driven decision making. The content of the course can be grouped as follows: Data Exploration, Probability, Confidence Interval Estimation, Hypothesis Testing and Regression Analysis. The focus will be on exploring realistic business scenarios, analyzing datasets using the appropriate analytical techniques, interpreting the analytic output within the context of the business scenario and translating the statistical results into actionable insights.
(Perm Req)
Database Management Systems
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: Permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Restriction: Must be in an online Business Master of Science program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
The fundamentals of managing data and information within an organization, including enterprise level platforms and tools for data driven analytics. Includes processes for acquiring and cleaning data, storing data, making it available for analytics, visualizing output, and archiving the data for long term use. Involves computational thinking, covers significant theoretical material on data models and queries, and teaches several different analytics and programming tools.
(Perm Req)
Decision Analytics
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: Permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Restriction: Must be in an online Business Master of Science program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Difficult decisions require spending scarce resources. A 'resource' is any asset used to leverage business objectives, such as time and money. Tradeoffs are involved in allocating resources to one objective as opposed to another. This course develops a quantitative framework for studying resource allocation problems that arise in many industries and areas such as transportation, advertising, finance, and healthcare. The focus will be on translating verbal descriptions into quantitative optimization models, whereby standard tools (such as Microsoft Excel) can be applied to obtain solutions. The course also covers the role of uncertainty and risk in the decision-making process by using Monte-Carlo simulation models.
Cross-listed with BUDT732. Credit will be only granted for BUDT732 or BMSO602.
(Perm Req)
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: Permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Restriction: Must be in an online Business Master of Science program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
In the business press, on TV, and in board rooms, 'machine learning,' 'AI,' 'big data' and 'data analytics' are now hot topics. Vast quantities of data are being generated these days, including new types of data such as web traffic, social network data, and reviews and comments on websites. This data is a valuable resource that, when used correctly, can create a competitive edge for companies. Advances in computing hardware and algorithms have significantly improved the quality of predictions and effectiveness of business applications based on them. Expertise in working with data, and a sound knowledge of data mining/machine learning methods, is a much sought after skill. The course provides an introduction to the key tools and techniques of data mining/machine learning, including classification, prediction, cluster analysis, association rules, and text mining. The methods covered are Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, K-nearest neighbors, Naive Bayes, Classification and Regression Trees, Ensemble methods, Neural Networks, K-Means and Hierarchical Clustering, and Association Rules. The focus throughout will be on business applications. Examples from Marketing, Finance, Healthcare, and Operations will be used to illustrate the breadth of applications.
Cross-listed with BDBA802. Credit only granted for BMSO603 or BDBA802.
Special Topics in Business; Financial Analytics
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Special Topics in Business; Introduction to Financial Accounting
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Special Topics in Business; Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Business
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Special Topics in Business; Introduction to Supply Chain Analytics
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Special Topics in Business; Enterprise Cloud Computing and Advanced Technologies
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Cross-listed with BDBA808K. Credit only granted for BDBA808K or BMSO758T.
(Perm Req)
Special Topics in Business; Digital Transformation in Business
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
(Perm Req)
Special Topics in Business; Experiential Learning II
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
(Perm Req)
Special Topics in Business; Strategic Management
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
(Perm Req)
Special Topics in Business; Creative Problem Solving for Leaders
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Special Topics in Business; Organizational Change
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
(Perm Req)
Special Topics in Business; Managerial Economics and Public Policy
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Special Topics in Business; Name, Image, and Likeness
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg