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Courses - Spring 2025
Real Estate Development
Open Seats as of
03/12/2025 at 10:30 PM
People, Planet, and Profit: Building Sustainable Places
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Cross-listed with: ARCH271.
Credit only granted for: ARCH271 or RDEV250.
An introduction to the four disciplines represented in the School: architecture and urban design, community planning, historic preservation, and real estate development, that work to create a more sustainable environment for the future to create a more sustainable environment for the future using our interpretation of the quadruple bottom line: socio-cultural, economic, environmental, and design sustainability. Students will be provided with an understanding of the fundamental scholarship and processes of each of these disciplines and examine the intersections between them. Additionally, they will learn by applying the approaches of the four disciplines through a series of field studies.
(Perm Req)
Real Estate Development: Introduction to Principles, Process, and Practice
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F
Prerequisite: RDEV250 or ARCH271.
Restriction: Must be in the Real Estate and the Built Environment major or the Real Estate Development minor; and permission of ARCH-School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation.
Credit only granted for: RDEV150 or RDEV350.
Formerly: RDEV150.
An introduction to the basic principles of real estate development: How real estate and communities get built and how value is created. The emphasis is on entrepreneurship and an experiential learning approach to the entrepreneurial real estate development process, principles, and practice.
(Perm Req)
Legal Foundations of Real Estate
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: RDEV250 and RDEV350.
Restriction: Must be in the Real Estate and the Built Environment major; and permission of ARCH-Real Estate Development.
Provides students with the chance to explore various legal topics related to real estate, including government regulation, rights of property owners, financing real estate purchases, protections for certain classes of people, elements of a real estate contract, title, insurance, taxation, rights of landlords and tenants, premises liability, urban planning, land use regulation, and environmental issues.
(Perm Req)
Principles, Process and Politics of Planning for Real Estate Development
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: RDEV250 and RDEV350.
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Real Estate Development.
Designed to introduce and familiarize students with planning and zoning and the associated processes and requirements that impact the real property development process and products. It will look at the roles the community and politics play in shaping the built environment and the development process.
(Perm Req)
Essentials of Architectural Design and Construction Management for Real Estate Professionals
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Real Estate Development.
Essential terminology, process and substantive knowledge needed by development professionals to effectively move a project through the design and construction process; includes environmental and ethical considerations throughout the process.
(Perm Req)
Foundations of Real Estate Finance and Investment
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F
Prerequisite: Must have completed RDEV270 or an approved accounting course with a grade of C- or better; and minimum grade of C- in RDEV350.
Restriction: Must be enrolled in RDEV Minor; and permission of ARCH-School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation.
Real Estate Finance and Investment addresses how real estate value is established, the fundamental foundations of the time value of money, as well as more real estate specific applications of return on investment, net operating income, the components of a real estate sources and uses statement, sources of real estate equity and debt financing, commonly used debt ratios and equity returns in real estate, as well as concepts of sensitivity analysis and exit strategies.
(Perm Req)
Real Estate Development Case Studies
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: RDEV450.
Restriction: Must be in the Real Estate and the Built Environment major or Real Estate Development minor; and permission of ARCH-Real Estate Development.
Real Estate Development Case Studies takes the principles learned in RDEV 250, 350 and 450 and takes an in depth look at a selection of local, national and international case studies in residential, commercial office, retail and hospital and critically analyzes the success and failure, short term and long term of the projects.
(Perm Req)
Principles and Practice of Real Property Development
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Real Estate Development.
Credit only granted for: RDEV688T or RDEV600.
Formerly: RDEV688T.
An introduction to basic principles of real estate development: How real estate and communities get built and how value is created. The emphasis is on entrepreneurship and an experiential learning approach to the entrepreneurial real estate development process, principles, and practice.
(Perm Req)
Introduction to Real Property Finance
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Permission of the Department.
Credit only granted for: RDEV688Z, RDEV689V, or RDEV603.
Formerly: RDEV688Z and RDEV689V.
Introduction to Real Property Finance addresses how real estate value is established, the fundamental foundations of the time value of money, as well as more real estate specific applications of return on investment, net operating income, the components of a real estate sources and uses statement, sources of real estate equity and debt financing, commonly used debt ratios and equity returns in real estate, as well as concepts of sensitivity analysis and exit strategies.
(Perm Req)
Real Property Development Law and Ethics
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Real Estate Development.
Credit only granted for: RDEV688A or RDEV610.
Formerly: RDEV688A.
Presents foundational knowledge about real property, contracts, administrative and constitutional law, and ethical principals and reasoning skills.
(Perm Req)
Principles, Process and Politics of Planning for Real Property Development
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Real Estate Development.
Credit only granted for: RDEV688G or RDEV615.
Formerly: RDEV688G.
Designed to introduce and familiarize students with planning and zoning and the associated processes and requirements that impact the real property development process and products. It will look at the roles the community and politics play in shaping the built environment and the development process.
(Perm Req)
Real Property Finance and Investment
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Real Estate Development.
Credit only granted for: RDEV630, RDEV688B, or URSP664.
Formerly: RDEV688B.
This course is designed to introduce students who have experience in real estate finance or have taken an introductory course in real estate finance and investment to move to this intermediate course that addresses foundational concepts of commercial real estate finance and the measures used in analyzing and evaluating real estate projects. Quantitative analysis and financial modeling comprise the main focus.
(Perm Req)
Essentials of Design and Construction Management for Development Professionals
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Restriction: Must be in Real Estate Development (Master's) program; or permission of ARCH-Real Estate Development.
Credit only granted for: RDEV650 or RDEV688C.
Formerly: RDEV688C.
Essential terminology, process and substantative knowledge needed by development professionals to effectively move a project through the design and construction process; includes environmental and ethical considerations throughout the process.
(Perm Req)
Current Topics in Real Estate Development; Advanced Finance
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud, S-F
(Perm Req)
Current Topics in Real Estate Development; Design and Development Competition
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: Permission of department.
(Perm Req)
Current Topics in Real Estate Development; Retail Real Estate Development and Asset Management
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
(Perm Req)
Current Topics in Real Estate Development; Guided Real Estate Development Project
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
(Perm Req)
Capstone Project: Real Property Feasibility Study
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: Completion of at least 7 RDEV courses.
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Real Estate Development.
Credit only granted for: RDEV688I or RDEV690.
Formerly: RDEV688I.
The capstone course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to apply acquired classroom knowledge to real world conditions. Each student in the class will work separately to create a development proposal and feasibility study for an assigned property. For students doing a feasibility study of a development the study will address at least market analysis, entitlement process, construction, and financing for the project.