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Courses - Summer 2025
Engineering, Aerospace Department Site
Open Seats as of
03/10/2025 at 10:30 PM
(Perm Req)
Computing Fundamentals for Engineers
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Corequisite: MATH141.
Credit only granted for: ENAE202 or ENME202.
Introduction to computational tools for the solution of engineering problems. C++ & MATLAB programming including branching and loops, functions, file handling, arrays, and data structures. Students will be introduced to object-oriented programming, basic computing, algorithms, and principles of software engineering.
(Perm Req)
Introduction to Aerospace Systems
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: PHYS161, MATH141, and ENES102.
Corequisite: PHYS261 and PHYS260.
Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program.
Credit only granted for: (ENAE281 and ENAE282) or ENAE283.
Formerly: ENAE281 and ENAE282.
Introduction to airplanes and space vehicles as aerospace systems. Fundamentals that describe these systems. Elements of aerodynamics, airfoils and wings. Airplane performance, stability and control. Aircraft and rocket propulsion. Fundamentals of orbital motion. Aspects of vehicle conceptual design.
Compressible Aerodynamics
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F
Prerequisite: PHYS271, (MATH240 or MATH461), PHYS270, MATH246, ENAE283, ENES220, ENAE202, MATH241, and ENES232.
Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department; and junior standing or higher.
Fundamentals of aerodynamics. Elements of compressible flow. Normal and oblique shock waves. Flows through nozzles, diffusers and wind tunnels. Elements of the method of characteristics and finite difference solutions for compressible flows. Aspects of hypersonic flow.
Aerospace Structures
Credits: 4
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: ENES220.
Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program.
Analysis of torsion, beam bending, plate bending, buckling and their application to aerospace.
Vibration and Aeroelasticity
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: ENAE324.
Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department.
Dynamic response of single and multiple degrees of freedom systems, finite element modeling, wing divergence, aileron reversal, wing and panel flutter.
Control of Aerospace Systems
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENAE301 and ENAE283.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and must be in Engineering: Aerospace program.
An introduction to the feedback control of dynamic systems. Laplace transforms and transfer function techniques; frequency response and Bode diagrams. Stability analysis via root locus and Nyquist techniques. Performance specifications in time and frequency domains, and design of compensation strategies to meet performance goals.
Space Navigation and Guidance
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: ENAE404 and ENAE432.
Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department.
Principles of navigation. Celestial, radio, and inertial navigation schemes. Navigational and guidance requirements for orbital, planetary, and atmospheric entry missions. Fundamentals of communications and information theory. Link budgets, antennas and telemetry systems.
Space Propulsion and Power
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F
Prerequisite: PHYS271, ENES232, PHYS270, and ENAE311.
Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department. And senior standing.
Thermodynamic cycle analysis, aerothermochemistry of fuels and propellants, operating principles of rocket, ion, and other exoatmospheric power units.
(Perm Req)
Elective Research; Individual Instruction
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Contact department for information to register for this course.
Master's Thesis Research
Credits: 1 - 6
Grad Meth: S-F
Contact department for information to register for this course.
Doctoral Dissertation Research
Credits: 1 - 6
Grad Meth: S-F
Contact department for information to register for this course.