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Courses - Fall 2023
Chemistry Department Site
The College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences enforces course prerequisites. Students who do not meet the course prerequisites will be administratively dropped from the course.

Registration in course sections which begin with "SEF*" are restricted to students admitted into the Science in the Evening Program, administer ed through the Office of Extended Studies. For complete information, visit: OES website, email:oes@umd.edu, or call 301-405-7762.

Chemistry I - Fundamentals of General Chemistry
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
GenEd: DSNL (if taken with CHEM132) or DSNS
Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of MATH120 or higher.
Corequisite: CHEM132.
Recommended: For Science majors.
Credit only granted for: CHEM103, CHEM131, CHEM135, CHEM153 or CHEM146.
Formerly: CHEM103.
An overview of the Periodic Table, inorganic substances, ionic and covalent bonding, bulk properties of materials, chemical equilibrium, and quantitative chemistry. CHEM131 is the first course in a four-semester sequence for students majoring in the sciences, other than Chemistry and Biochemistry majors.
Students without the math pre-requisite will be administratively dropped.