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Courses - Fall 2023
University Honors
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Free speech, free porn, free shipping... What does it mean for something to be 'free' online and how does our participation in the internet liberate or constrain our identities, bodies, and relation with others? In this class we'll talk about the economics, politics, and culture of the internet to assess how values and value are made and circulated within its technologies. We'll focus on the many ways the term 'free' operates in this context, notably, around the ability to create, distribute, and access information. Centered on the US with a comparative eye on the global internet ecosystem, this seminar asks: Where do the rights and responsibilities for a "free internet" come from, and to whom do they apply? What identities and bodies are at risk or rewarded in these systems? What are the choices individuals, platforms, and governments must make to determine the future of the internet and the freedom of the people who build and use it?
This course is part of the Freedom at Stake thematic cluster. Freedom at Stake courses will be offered through Spring 2024.