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Courses - Winter 2024
Biological Sciences Program Department Site
Cellular Mechanisms of Aging and Disease
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI330.
Credit only granted for: BSCI339I or BSCI343.
Formerly: BSCI339I.
Explore how alterations in normal cellular and molecular processes lead to both aging and a variety of non-infectious human diseases currently plaguing our society. Students will read, analyze, and discuss current primary and secondary literature in the field of cell biology and biomedicine.
(Sponsoring Dept: BIOL). Acceptable toward Biological Sciences Specialization Areas: CEBG (Cell Biology Group), GENB (Cell Biology, Development, Physiology category), and PHNB.