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Courses - Spring 2024
African American Studies Department Site
Open Seats as of
09/06/2024 at 10:30 PM
(Perm Req)
Advanced Topics in Public Policy and the Black Community; Black Politics
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: AASP101 and/or GVPT170. Enrollment is restricted to students in the African American Studies program; and permission of BSOS-African American Studies department. Credit only granted for GVPT479B or AASP499R.

The purpose of this course is to assist students in gaining an understanding of the relationship of people of African descent in the United States to the political system and other structures of power. We critically engage several themes/topics including Black political philosophies and ideologies, electoral politics, Black and mainstream political institutions, political behavior and psychology, gender politics, and public policy. We will also analyze and discuss the informal political spaces that serve as sites for Black politics including social media, entertainment, and pop culture.