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Courses - Spring 2024
Biological Sciences Program Department Site
BSCI courses are offered by the Biological Science Program and individual College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences departments, as indicated.

The sponsoring department for each course is provided in the course listing. Consult the sponsoring department if you have questions about an individual course (sponsoring departments BIOL - Department of Biology, 2227 Biol-Psyc Building; BSCI - Biological Sciences Program, 1322 Symons Hall; CBMG - Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, 1219 H.J. Patterson Building; ENTM - Entomology, 4112 PLS Building).

Registration in course sections which begin with "SES*" is restricted to students admitted into the Science in the Evening Program, administered through the Office of Extended Studies. For complete information, visit: http://oes.umd.edu/index.php?slab=sie, e-mail oes@umd.edu , or call 301-405-7762.

The following courses may involve the use of animals. Students who are concerned about the use of animals in teaching have the responsibility to consult the instructor prior to course enrollment to determine whether animals are to be used in the course, whether class exercises involving animals are optional or required, and what alternatives, if any, are available.

The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences enforces course prerequisites. Students who do not meet the course prerequisites will be administratively dropped from the course.

The World of Biology
Credits: 4
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F
Additional information: Not acceptable for degree requirements in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, or Biochemistry.
An introduction to modern biology for the non-science major. Major themes include molecular biology, cell biology, evolution and organismal biology. Relevance of study of biology to modern human life will be emphasized.
(Sponsoring Dept.: BSCI). Students must pay a $40.00 laboratory materials fee.
(Perm Req)
The World of Biology
Credits: 4
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F
Additional information: Not acceptable for degree requirements in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, or Biochemistry.
An introduction to modern biology for the non-science major. Major themes include molecular biology, cell biology, evolution and organismal biology. Relevance of study of biology to modern human life will be emphasized.
(Sponsoring Dept.: BSCI). Must be taken within 12 months of the semester in which BSCI 103 is taken. A student is eligible to take this course only if the lab scores received in BSCI 103 the last time it was taken totalled at least 80 percent of the maximum possible total. These scores will count for part of the grade in BSCI 103M.