Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education
College and Career Studies
Grad Meth:
Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: CHSE200.
Restriction: For students in the TerpsEXCEED program and permission of the TerpsEXCEED Director.
This course is a follow-up to CHSE200 to introduce goal planning and competencies that will lead to the earning of the TerpsEXCEED College and Career Studies Certificate. Students use a planning tool that will be carried through until they earn their College and Career Studies Certificate. Through this course, students will access lessons through the ChoiceMaker Self-Determination transition Curriculum and the ME! Lessons for Self-Advocacy developed by the Zarrow Institute on Transition & Self-Awareness at the University of Oklahoma, and adapted for TerpsEXCEED.