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Courses - Spring 2024
Geographical Sciences Department Site
Algorithms for Geospatial Computing
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: GEOG276 or permission of instructor.
Jointly offered with: GEOG470.
Credit only granted for: CMSC498Q, CMSC401, CMSC788I, GEOG470, GEOG498I, GEOG770, or GEOG788I.
Formerly: GEOG788I.
Geometric primitives and algorithms for discrete and continuous spatial data processing. Point data representation and analysis: spatial data structures, neighbor finding and range queries, clustering algorithms. Terrain modeling: grids and TINs, algorithms and data structures for building and querying TINs, gridding and interpolation. Terrain analysis: segmentation through watershed computation, algorithms for visibility computation. Applications to LiDAR data processing and analysis for forest management, urban modeling, and coastal data mapping.