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Courses - Spring 2024
Plant Sciences
(Perm Req)
Application of Knowledge in Plant Sciences
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in PLSC110 and PLSC111; or minimum grade of C- in PLSC112 and PLSC113; or minimum grade of C- in PLSC201; or permission of instructor.
Recommended: ENGL393 and ENST200; and (PLSC389 or PLSC399).
Restriction: Senior standing or higher.
A capstone course based on interactions with plant science professionals and student-led class discussions. Students will apply their knowledge and experience to practical issues in the discipline, further develop critical thinking ability, and enhance their communication, teamwork, and professional skills. Topics will include nutrient management, integrated pest management, plant interactions with urban and rural ecosystems, planning of public grounds, plant biotechnology, and teaching skills.