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Courses - Summer 2024
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership Department Site
Contested Control: School Choice, Localism, and Centralization
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Credit only granted for: TLPL788X or TLPL780.
Formerly: TLPL788X.
Taking the local school district as its field of inquiry, this course will examine a series of common, seemingly unobjectionable terms--"democracy," "markets," "choice," "public," "private," etc.--each of which represents very different visions of school governance and political organization. Readings will explore the nature of social justice, efficacy, and civic participation within school districts, and will do so not merely through a lens of power but of authority in the sense of moral legitimacy. Ultimately, the readings return to one simple question: Who should control the schools? Through its examination of school district governance, this course will prepare students for work in local and state policy. It will also approach issues from a variety of ideological perspectives and bolster students' knowledge of historical, philosophical, and political approaches to education.