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Courses - Fall 2024
Bioengineering Department Site
(Perm Req)
Capstone Design I: Entrepreneurship, Regulatory Issues, and Ethics
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: 21 credits in BIOE courses; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in BIOE457.
Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department; and senior standing; and must be in Engineering: Bioengineering program.
This is the first part of a two-semester senior capstone design course which covers principles involved in engineering design, design approaches, economics of design, ethics in engineering, and patent regulations. It also helps students learn team work and write design project proposals under the mentorship of a faculty advisor.

A Fearless Ideas Course from the Academy for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (AIE): http://ter.ps/iamFEARLESS Click here for more information on the Fearless Ideas Courses.