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Courses - Fall 2024
Part-Time MBA Program Department Site
Innovation & Product Development
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: BUSI650.
Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program OR Permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Focuses on the development of innovations, new products or new services from the perspective of a marketer. For an innovation to be successful in the market, it has to be customer centric: hence, in this course, we study how to develop and bring to market elegant and efficient solutions to strong customer needs. This is a fundamental business challenge, faced while working in a startup or in an established company; when developing a new product or a new service; and when serving customers who are individuals or large corporations.
Cross-listed with BDBA858Q. Credit only granted for BDBA858Q or BUSI737.