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Courses - Fall 2024
Full-Time MBA Program
Courses with the BUSM prefix are offered only for students in the full- time MBA program.
(Perm Req)
Leadership and Teamwork
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Credit only granted for: BMGT600, BUSI662 or BUSM600.
Course examines concepts of team-building and leadership which are critical to managerial success. Topics include leadership, decision making, communication and conflict, work motivation, building effective teams, and organizational change and culture.
(Perm Req)
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Credit only granted for: BUSI610 or BUSM602.
Overview of financial accounting, periodic financial statements and the financial reporting process. Importance of financial statements as information source for creditors and investors and as a means by which managers can communicate information about their firms.
(Perm Req)
Managerial Economics and Public Policy
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Credit only granted for: BUSI681 or BUSM604.
Basic microeconomic principles used by firms, including supply and demand, elasticities, costs, productivity, pricing, market structure and competitive implications of alternative market structures. Market failures and government intervention. Public policy processes affecting business operations.
(Perm Req)
Data Driven Decision Making
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Credit only granted for: BUSI630 or BUSM606.
Analytical modeling of business decisions; uncertainty, risk and expected utility; regression modeling to infer relationships among variables.
(Perm Req)
Marketing Management
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Credit only granted for: BUSI650 or BUSM612.
Analysis of marketing problems and evaluation of specific marketing efforts regarding the organization's products and services, pricing activities, channel selection, and promotion strategies in both domestic and international markets.
(Perm Req)
Managerial Accounting
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: BUSI610.
Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Credit only granted for: BUSI611 or BUSM616.
Use of accounting data in corporate planning and control. Cost-volume- profit analysis, budgeting, pricing decisions and cost data, transfer pricing, activity-based management, performance measures, and standard costing.
(Perm Req)
Digital Transformation in Business
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Introduces students to the strategic role of digital transformation within businesses, and provides an overview for how major information technologies may be used to inform and transform the firm's strategic, operational, and tactical decisions. Topics discussed in the course include the strategic use of digital technologies to generate sustainable competitive value; the contributions of new forms of technology infrastructure; the evaluation of new technology investments and the resulting ROI; acquiring, managing and governing technological capabilities within the firm; understanding the role of enterprise systems and social technologies within the firm; and the management of disruptive technologies within and outside the firm.
Innovation & Product Development
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Credit only granted for: BUMO758P or BUSM706.
Focuses on the development of innovations - new products or new services - from the perspective of a marketer. For an innovation to be successful in the market, it has to be customer-centric: hence, in this course, we study how to develop and bring to market elegant and efficient solutions to strong customer needs. This is a fundamental business challenge, faced while working in a startup or in an established company; when developing a new product or a new service; and when serving customers who are individuals or large corporations.
Cross-listed with BDBA858P. Credit only granted for BUSM706 or BDBA858P.
(Perm Req)
Independent Study in Business
Credits: 1 - 6
Grad Meth: Reg, S-F
Contact department for information to register for this course.
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program OR Permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
It has been a quarter century since the commercial use of the Internet and the World Wide Web began and during that time the business landscape has changed at a frenetic pace. Large multinational corporations such as Alphabet/Google, Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba and eBay, unheard of twenty years ago, have emerged as key players in our modern economy. In 2017 holiday season, online sales increased over 16 percent of overall spending online in 2016 with online retail spending in the U.S., the highest percentage since tracking began in 1999. Sales made through mobile devices have increased at a rapid rate to around 22 to 40 percent of all online sales. Corporations now highlight the importance of creating a digital relationship with customers. Moreover, digital technologies and devices such as smartphones, smart products, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and deep learning all promise significant transformations of consumers lives in the near future. It is against this backdrop this course seeks to understand how the developments in digital technology are re-shaping the process and the strategy of marketing in the broad space we call digital marketing.
Competitive and Collaborative Negotiation
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Credit only granted for: BUMO714 or BUSM754.
Increase negotiating self-confidence and improve capacity to achieve win-win solutions to organizational problems. Improve effectiveness at finding creative solutions to conflict.
(Perm Req)
Special Topics in Business; Financial Management I
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Special Topics in Business; Managing Change
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
(Perm Req)
Special Topics in Business; Financial Management II
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Special Topics in Business; Financial Institutions in the Era of FinTech and AI
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Special Topics in Business; Designing AI Systems
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Cross-listed with BDBA808C. Credit only granted for BDBA808C or BUSM758V.
Special Topics in Business; Marketing in the Age of AI
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Cross-listed with BDBA858N. Credit only granted for BDBA858N or BUSM758W.
Global Business Experience; Doing Business in Asia: Supply Chain Challenges and Opportunities in Asia
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg
Business Consulting; Technology and Entrepreneurship
Credits: 2
Grad Meth: Reg