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Courses - Fall 2024
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department Site
(Perm Req)
Capstone Design Project; Smart Submersible Marine Vehicles
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F
Prerequisite: C- or better in two of the following courses: ENEE303, ENEE304, ENEE305, ENEE307, ENEE313, ENEE322, ENEE323, ENEE324, ENEE350, ENEE380, ENEE381, ENEE382, or ENEE473; and must have senior standing.

Students will design and build small marine crafts (baby submarines) capable of communication, autonomous navigation, computer vision and swarm formations. Students will learn the fundamentals of underwater depth control, propulsion and dynamics, localization and navigation, wireless above and underwater communication and others. Students will utilize skills in microprocessors hardware/software codesign, electromagnetics, acoustics, optics, power, BLM techniques, image/video processing and controls, including elements of mechanical design. Teams will work together to specialize in various subsystems; and following standards for compatibility and systems integration. As an authentic design process mimicking product development, strict deadlines and milestones will be imposed and students may be expected to do work outside the regular meeting times.