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Courses - Fall 2024
Environmental Science and Technology Department Site
Special Topics in Environmental Science and Technology; Artificial Intelligence for the Environment
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
The course is designed to help students that are interested in environmental disciplines understand how the latest generative artificial intelligence (gen-AI) technologies, like Chat GPT-x and othernatural language learning models, can be used to protect and improve ourenvironment and help them discover roles they can pursue as aperson concerned about the environment and as an environmental professional. Through this course, you will gain an appreciation for thepower of gen-AI to make a real difference for our planet. You will explore how the latest gen-AI tools can be applied to tackle environmental topics, like climate change, green cities, ecological restoration, environmentalcompliance and wildlife conservation. This course is perfect for freshmen and sophomores, but is open to all, especially students lookingto explore application for gen-AI.