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Courses - Fall 2024
Geographical Sciences Department Site
Advances in GIS and Remote Sensing
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Restriction: Students taking the course must be familiar with data structures, basic GIS and RS concepts, and demonstrate basic understanding of using GIS and RS software. And must be enrolled in Geographical Sciences MPS or graduate certificate program; or permission of BSOS-Geography department.
Focuses on state-of-the-art advances in geographic information science and remote sensing as they support geospatial intelligence. Focus on synergies between GIS and remote sensing in informatics, computer science, and spatial engineering, and their application to problem domains in human systems, physical systems, and cyberspace. Advances in GIS presents recent advances regarding fundamental issues of geo-spatial information science (space and time, spatial analysis, uncertainty modeling and geo-visualization), and new scientific and technological research initiatives for geo-spatial information science (such as spatial data mining, mobile data modeling, and location-based services). Advances in remote sensing will provide opportunity to understand and work with latest developments in the Remote Sensing datasets. The curriculum covers wide range of remote sensing data interpretation and their processing techniques.
Students must pay a $40.00 laboratory materials fee.