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Courses - Fall 2024
Kinesiology Department Site
(Perm Req)
Principles & Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI201 and BSCI202; and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from Kinesiology core courses at the 300-level or higher.
Restriction: Must be in a major within the SPHL-Kinesiology department; and must have earned a minimum of 75 credits.
Additional information: This course emphasizes hands-on application of skills. Course participation is critical.
It is critical for sports medicine and sport performance specialists to understand the location and inter-relationships of the structures of the body that impact human movement. Thus, the primary purpose of this course is to facilitate an in-depth, understanding of the muscles of the body. Specifically, students will learn the origins, insertions, primary and secondary functions, as well as nervous innervations of the major muscle groups of the body. In addition, students will develop palpation skills and learn to grade the function of each muscle through manual muscle testing techniques. These skills form the foundation for assessing functional movement as well as performing safe and effective manual therapy techniques. Thus, while the focus of the class will be to develop sound, introductory palpation and manual muscle testing skills, basic principles of functional movement and manual therapy will also be addressed through hands-on application as well as case study.
Restricted to students who have been admitted in the Kinesiology Honors program.