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Courses - Fall 2024
Philosophy Department Site
Studies in Value Theory; Life's Meaning
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
This course will introduce students to a range of questions concerning life's meaning. What is the meaning of life? Does it have a single meaning or any meaning(s) at all? What kind of meaning is even at issue when we inquire into life's meaning? Is a meaningful life a good life? Are things like pleasure, knowledge, beauty, or achievements ingredients of a good life? Why if so? If life can be meaningful, then it seems like it makes sense to want it to never end- it makes sense to want to be immortal. But does it? Could an immortal life be a meaning ful life? If not, then that seems to suggest that death isn't so bad. But death also seemsquite bad! What is it about death that makes it bad? Is it possible to make sense of death in a philosophically rigorous way? These are some of the many questions that will be explored in this course, using texts and tools from the intellectual tradition of contemporary analytic Western philosophy.