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Courses - Fall 2024
Physics Department Site
Introduction to Quantum Technology
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: MATH141 and MATH240 or equivalent; and one of the following: PHYS360, PHYS401, PHYS457, or ENEE491; or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed with: ENEE492.
Credit only granted for: PHYS467 or ENEE492.
Investigates the basic concepts/building blocks of quantum computers, quantum key distribution, quantum networks, and quantum sensors. Examines what is needed to form a working qubit and different hardware platforms that implement them (for example, trapped ions, superconducting microwave circuits, color centers, and neutral atoms.) Conceptual and computational familiarity with complex numbers, vector spaces, bases, matrices, eigenvectors, and eigenvalues will be assumed, as well as quantum states/wave functions, and quantum measurement. Familiarity with spin-1/2 systems, and Pauli matrices is highly recommended.