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Courses - Fall 2024
Sociology Department Site
Sociology of Emotions
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of BSOS-Sociology Department.
Credit only granted for: SOCY498W or SOCY475.
Formerly: SOCY498W.
Emotions are often thought of as purely subjective experiences. How much more personal than one get than their emotions and feelings? In addition to their physiological and psychological aspects, however, emotions have a social side that often go unnoticed. This course will introduce you to the social aspects of emotions. In doing so, we will cover wide-ranging topics including the social causes of emotions, social norms about emotions, disparities in emotionalexperiences, and the ways in which emotions can maintain and reshape society.