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Courses - Spring 2025
Engineering, Professional Masters Department Site
Open Seats as of
01/27/2025 at 11:30 AM
Special Topics in Engineering; Fundamentals of Unmanned Air Vehicles
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud, S-F
This course will cover the instruction in, and deployment of, key knowledge and skills associated with the characterization, operation, design, analysis and testing of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs). Primary focus will be given toward UAV flight mechanics. The course explores the essential underlying physics, configuration issues, system development, guidance, navigation, control, and sensors of UAV problems, including autopilot for stability, control and functions of path planning. The course material and text leads the student from rigid-body dynamics through aerodynamics, stability augmentation, and state estimation using onboard sensors, to maneuvering through desired paths. To facilitate understanding, the intent is to augment traditional homework assignments with a simulation project utilizing a MATLAB modeling environment. Students begin by modeling rigid-body dynamics, then add aerodynamics and sensor models. They develop a low-level autopilot code, a path-following routine, and plotting algorithms. Students will further be exposed to small UAV flight through the use of RC aircraft. The students will observe operation and programing of flight of small RC aircraft (e.g., quad- copters).