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Courses - Spring 2025
Latina/o Studies
Open Seats as of
12/31/2024 at 09:30 AM
Special Topics in Latino/a Studies; Engaging Glocal Communities and Languages in Prince George's County
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Cross-listed with SLLC399R and SPAN359R. Credit will be only granted for SPAN359R or USLT328G or SLLC399R. Explores the worlding of Prince Georges County, Maryland, or how the world is in our region, from its origins to the migration of people from across the globe. Topics covered include demographics, immigration, transnationalism, translocality, history, cultures, communities, and local uses of languages. Course requires outside service-learning work and provides opportunities to engage with local communities and to put our communication and language skills to use. Taught in English.