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Courses - Summer 2025
Health Department Site
Open Seats as of
03/11/2025 at 02:30 PM
Behavioral and Community Issues in Public Health
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: HLTH130, HLTH230, PSYC100, SOCY100, SOCY105, or ANTH260.
Restriction: Must be in Public Health Science program; or permission of SPHL-Behavioral & Community Health department. And must have earned a minimum of 45 credits.
Additional information: This course will initially be restricted to Public Health Science (PHSC) majors, but could ultimately be opened to other majors, particularly those in HLTH.
The exploration of how social and behavioral science theories and public health concepts and methods can be applied to both the health-illness experience and community interventions.