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Courses - Fall 2025
English Department Site
Open Seats as of
03/29/2025 at 07:30 AM
Writing for Non-Profit Organizations
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: Must have fulfilled the Academic Writing (FSAW) requirement.
Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 60 credits.
Examines professional writing and communication work in the non-profit sector. Students will analyze the audiences and document genres that they may encounter in real-world non-profit work and will learn how to compose many of these documents, from press releases and other public relations material to position papers, reports, and grant proposals. Students may also have the opportunity to add a service-learning component to the course by working with and for an area non-profit.
Prerequisite: 60 credits and completion of ENGL101 or equivalent. This course satisfies the professional writing requirement. Not open to students who have completed ENGL394N. Credit will be granted for only one of the following ENGL398N or ENGL394N. Formerly ENGL394N. A busniness writing class focusinog on writing about nonprofits.