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Courses - Fall 2025
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership Department Site
Community, Learners, and Classroom Climate
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Additional information: This course has a field component in a local elementary school.
Focuses on classroom community building as an ethic of caring for students and examines the connection between classroom climate and learning. Topics include students' funds of knowledge, social-emotional competency, and the practices that maintain a safe and inclusive classroom climate. Wellness strategies to support teacher resilience are also addressed.
Two-hour seminar each week on campus plus a four-hour lab each week which includes three hours in a local public school classroom and commute time to and from campus. Most schools are within a 20-minute commute with more travel time needed if public transportation is required. Allow for travel time between on-campus coursework and the off-campus public school experience. All schools require a Prince Georges County Public School security process that includes fingerprinting and a background check at an additional cost, prior to the start of the experience.