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Courses - Summer 2024
Information Studies
Design Across Campus
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
What is design, who does it, and how is it done? There is no one answer to this question--it depends on who you ask. The answers to these questions vary across disciplines and across the University campus. This course, designed with modules from contributors in UMD programs including Information Studies, Human-Computer Interaction, Graphic Design, Immersive Media Arts, Journalism, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, and Policy, will introduce students to the goals and values, approaches, skills, and practices of diverse fields of design. It will enable students to identify grand challenges in design and serve as a sorting hat to help students find a design practice that matches their own values, approaches, skills and goals.
Introduction to Programming for Information Science
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: Math placement of STAT100 or higher.
Restriction: Must not have completed INST326; and must be in Information Science, Technology and Information Design, or Social Data Science programs.
An introduction to computer programming for students with very limited or no previous programming experience. Topics include fundamental programming concepts such as variables, data types, assignments, arrays, conditionals, loops, functions, and I/O operations.
Introduction to Information Science
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Credit only granted for: INST201 or INST301.
Formerly: INST301.
Examining the effects of new information technologies on how we conduct business, interact with friends, and go through our daily lives. Understanding how technical and social factors have influenced the evolution of information society. Evaluating the transformative power of information in education, policy, and entertainment, and the dark side of these changes.
Designing Fair Systems
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Credit only granted for: INST208D or INST204.
Formerly: INST208D.
Reviews how specific values are built into different automated decision-making systems as an inevitable result of constructing mechanisms meant to produce specific outcomes. These values create differential outcomes for the different people enmeshed in these systems, but both these values and these systems can be changed to support different values and different outcomes. The class serves as an introduction to the emerging field of algorithmic bias that bridges the disciplines of information science, computer science, law, policy, philosophy, sociology, urban planning, and others.
The Nuts & Bolts of Getting Hired
Credits: 1
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Restriction: Must be in the Information Science program, Technology and Information Design program, or Social Data Science program.
Credit only granted for: INST208C or INST210.
Formerly: INST208C.
Have you thought about finding an internship, getting a job, or starting your career? Perhaps you're confused about how to begin. Welcome to The Nuts and Bolts of Getting Hired, where you'll learn the skills necessary to develop your professional tool kit and obtain the internship or job that can help you build the career you want. This course will help you prepare for the next step in your career by exploring the following topics: Identifying your career goals, mastering the skills of crafting a professional resume, effective interviewing, strategic networking, and professional communication.
(Perm Req)
Independent Study in Information Science
Credits: 1 - 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Contact department for information to register for this course.
Information Organization
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in PSYC100 or SOCY105.
Restriction: Must be in the Information Science program.
Examines the theories, concepts, and principles of information, information representation and organization, record structures, description, and classification. Topics to be covered in this course include the methods and strategies to develop systems for storage, organization, and retrieval of information in a variety of organizational and institutional settings, as well as policy, ethical, and social implications of these systems.
Statistics for Information Science
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in INST126 or GEOG276; and minimum grade of C- in STAT100, and MATH115 (or higher).
Restriction: Must be in Information Science or Social Data Science program.
Basic concepts in statistics including measure construction, data exploration, hypothesis development, hypothesis testing, pattern identification, and statistical analysis. The course also provides an overview of commonly used data manipulation and analytic tools. Through homework assignments, projects, and in-class activities, you will practice working with these techniques and tools to create information resources that can be used in individual and organizational decision-making and problem-solving.
Object-Oriented Programming for Information Science
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in INST126 or GEOG276.
Restriction: Must be in Information Science or Social Data Science program.
An introduction to programming, emphasizing understanding and implementation of applications using object-oriented techniques. Topics to be covered include program design and testing as well as implementation of programs.
Database Design and Modeling
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in INST126 or GEOG276.
Restriction: Must be in Information Science or Social Data Science program.
Credit only granted for: INST327 or BMGT402.
Introduction to databases, the relational model, entity-relationship diagrams, user-oriented database design and normalization, and Structured Query Language (SQL). Through labs, tests, and a project, students develop both theoretical and practical knowledge of relational database systems.
Organizations, Management and Teamwork
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (INST201, INST301); and minimum grade of C- in PSYC100.
Restriction: Must be in Information Science program.
Examines principles, methods and types of leadership with an emphasis on goal setting, motivation, problem solving, and conflict resolution. Examines principles of developing teams and managing team projects through planning and execution, including estimating costs, managing risks, scheduling, staff and resource allocation, communication, tracking, and control. Trains students to recognize and capitalize on opportunities to use information to increase efficiency, improve performance, and support innovation within teams and organizations. Focuses on strategic use of emerging technologies and new information resources to execute information-enabled change.
Technologies, Infrastructure and Architecture
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- from INST201 or INST301; and minimum grade of C- in INST326 and INST327.
Restriction: Must be in the Information Science program; and must have earned a minimum of 60 credits.
Credit only granted for: INST346 or BMGT405.
Examines the basic concepts of computer hardware, systems software, networking, client/server architectures, cloud computing, distributed systems, and high performance computing as applied to information rich domains. Technology and architectures will be discussed within the contexts of solving social issues, supportingscience, and conducting business operations. Current computing topics such as web environments, IoT, security, management, and policy will also be reviewed.
Information User Needs and Assessment
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- from INST201 or INST301; and minimum grade of C- in INST311.
Restriction: Must be in Technology and Information Design or Information Science programs.
Focuses on use of information by individuals, including the theories, concepts, and principles of information, information behavior and mental models. Methods for determining information behavior and user needs, including accessibility issues will be examined and strategies for using information technology to support individual users and their specific needs will be explored.
Human-Centered Cybersecurity
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- from INST201 or INST301; and minimum grade of C- in INST327, STAT100, MATH115, and PSYC100.
Restriction: Must be in the Information Science program; or must be in the Information Risk Management, Ethics, and Privacy Minor.
Cybersecurity is fundamentally a problem of human interaction with technology, but its technical challenges are better understood than its human challenges. This course is designed to give you an overview of human interactions with cybersecurity technology, from users to system designers. Using the information gleaned in this course, you should be able to make better predictions about how people react to cybersecurity policies and tools, and how those reactions shape organizational behavior. The earlier part of the course focuses on explanations for behavior, while the later parts of the course focus more on the development and evaluation of tools for assisting people in cybersecurity.
Technology and Information Design: Do Good Now
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in INST201, INST126, STAT100; minimum grade of C- from (PSYC100, SOCY105).
Restriction: Must be in the Technology and Information Design program.
Credit only granted for: ARHU380, BSOS388B, PLCY388D, or PLCY380.
Climate change. Poverty. Racism. Pressing social issues are big, complex, and difficult. They can feel overwhelming to understand and impossible to address. You might care deeply about an issue, and want to make a difference, but don't know where to start. Sometimes you might not even try. This course will equip and empower you to delve deep into understanding a social issue of your choosing. Through course materials and activities, you'll try out your changemaker muscles and mindsets. Our goal is that this course will empower you to be an informed, engaged citizen who contributes to your community with and beyond your profession. Along the way, we'll address questions like, "What is social change?" and "What happens when our actions have unintended consequences?" We'll talk about the importance of understanding, empathy, agency, and community, and reflect on how these concepts relate to us as individuals.
Supervised Internship in Information Science
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH115 or higher; minimum grade of C- in INST126 or GEOG276; and minimum grade of C- in (PSYC100, SOCY105, or BSOS233). Restriction: Must be in the Information Science program, Technology and Information Design program, or Social Data Science program. Repeatable to 6 credits.

Course will provide students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences that will help shape their goals as they begin their successful high-impact Information Career. It will prepare them to work an in an environment in which suitability for high-status positions is not determined by specific skills, but rather by ability to take initiative in complex, dynamic situations. Students must have an internship arranged before enrolling.
Data Science Techniques
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH115 (or higher) and STAT100; and a minimum grade of C- from INST126 or GEOG276; and a minimum grade of C- from one of the following (INST201, INST301, or BSOS233); and a minimum grade of C- from one of the following (AASP101, ANTH210, ANTH260, ECON200, ECON201, GEOG202, GVPT170, PSYC100, or SOCY100); and a minimum grade of C- from BSOS233 or INST314.
Recommended: Minimum C- in MATH140 and (INST326, BSOS326, or GEOG376).
Restriction: Must be in Information Science or Social Data Science program.
An exploration of how to extract insights from large-scale datasets. The course will cover the complete analytical funnel from data extraction and cleaning to data analysis and insights interpretation and visualization. The data analysis component will focus on techniques in both supervised and unsupervised learning to extract information from datasets. Topics will include clustering, classification, and regression techniques. Through homework assignments, a project, exams and in-class activities, students will practice working with these techniques and tools to extract relevant information from structured and unstructured data.
Data Sources and Manipulation
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in STAT100 and INST327; and a minimum grade of C- from one of the following (INST201, INST301, BSOS233); and a minimum grade of C- from one of the following (AASP101, ANTH210, ANTH260, ECON200, ECON201, GEOG202, GVPT170, PSYC100, or SOCY100); and a minimum grade of C- from BSOS233 or INST314; and a minimum grade of C- from one of the following (BSOS331, GEOG273, or INST326).
Restriction: Must be in Information Science or Social Data Science program.
Examines approaches to locating, acquiring, manipulating, and disseminating data. Imperfection, biases, and other problems in data are examined, and methods for identifying and correcting such problems are introduced. The course covers other topics such as automated collection of large data sets, and extracting, transforming, and reformatting a variety of data and file types.
Consumer Health Informatics
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in INST126, INST201 or STAT100; and minimum grade of C- from PSYC100 or SOCY105.
Restriction: Must be in the Information Science program or Technology and Information Design program.
Credit only granted for: INST408A or INST451.
Formerly: INST408A.
Explores people's health-related information needs and whether, how, and why people seek out and use (or do not seek out and use) health information and the types of health information they find useful. We will also cover the important and interrelated topics of information avoidance, health behaviors, health literacy, digital health literacy, doctor-patient communication, and patient-to-patient communication through support groups and online communities. Throughout the course, we will also focus on the important concept of health justice - a world in which everyone has an adequate and equitable capability to be healthy.
Project Management for Information Science
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Credit only granted for: BMGT485, ENCE320, ENCE325, INST408O or INST453.
Formerly: INST408O.
Provides a comprehensive overview of project management, focusing on the needs of information resources (IR). The course covers the concepts and techniques for planning and execution of projects including developing work breakdown structure, estimating costs, managing risks, scheduling, staff and resource allocation, team building, communication, tracking, control, and other aspects of successful project completion.
Introduction to Data Visualization
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in STAT100; minimum grade of a C- from one of the following (INST201, INST301, or BSOS233); minimum grade of C- in INST126 or GEOG276; a minimum grade of C- from one of the following (AASP101, ANTH210, ANTH260, ECON200, ECON201, GEOG202, GVPT170, PSYC100, SOCY100, or SOCY105); and a minimum grade of C- from BSOS233 or INST314.
Restriction: Must be in Information Science or Social Data Science program.
Exploration of the theories, methods, and techniques of visualization of information, including the effects of human perception, the aesthetics of information design, the mechanics of visual display, and the semiotics of iconography.
Technology, Culture, and Society
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in INST201 or INST301; and minimum grade of C- in PSYC100 or SOCY105.
Restriction: Must be in the Information Science program or Technology and Information Design program.
Individual, cultural, and societal outcomes associated with development of information & communication technologies (ICTs), including pro- and anti-social factors. Unpacking how gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disabilities, and political affiliations affect consumption and production of online experiences. Unpacking how structures of dominance, power and privilege manifest at individual, institutional and cultural levels.
(Perm Req)
Integrated Capstone for Information Science
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in INST311, INST314, INST326, INST327, INST335, INST346, INST352, and INST362.
Restriction: Must be in Information Science program; and must have earned a minimum of 90 credits; and permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
The capstone provides a platform for Information Science students where they can apply a subset of the concepts, methods, and tools they learn as part of the Information Science program to addressing an information problem or fulfilling an information need.
Foundations for Librarians and Information Professionals
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Restriction: Permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
Credit only granted for: LBSC791 or INST600.
Formerly: LBSC791.
An introduction to the field of library and information science (LIS), its history, and future direction that provides students with an understanding and appreciation of the nature and functions of the profession(s) they have entered. The focus is on core concepts underlying the LIS discipline, with particular emphasis on professional ethics/values, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA), and the ways in which technology has shaped and continues to shape the field.
Special Topics in Information Studies; Spatial Representation and Analysis for Library and Archives
Credits: 1
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
This course is all about putting persons, places and things found in archival collections on a map. You will learn the processes used to convert a hardcopy map into a digital map that can be used with layers of other information to represent the spatial relationships between all of the elements. Along the way you will learn the definitions and methods of such techniques as geocoding, geolocating, georeferencing, vectorization, and spatial analysis. You'll use software to get hands -on experience using these techniques to create new ways of providing access to archival collections.
Special Topics in Information Studies; Network Representation and Analysis for Library and Archives
Credits: 1
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Graphs are very powerful tools for looking at relationships between persons, places, and events found in library and archival collections. In this course you will learn about techniques such as entity identification, graph modeling, graph analysis, computational biographies, and graph visualization. You'll learn what these techniques are and how to use them to discover relationships that would otherwise be hidden away in archival and library collections.
Special Topics in Information Studies; Generative AI and Large Language Models for Library and Archives
Credits: 1
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Artificial Intelligence (AI) it seems is being used everywhere to help with almost every challenge. ChatGPT, Gemini, LLaMa, etc. are being talked about everywhere. These are examples of generative AI and Large Language Models. This course will explain what these technologies are and explore potential new uses of generative AI technologies to enhance retrieval, description, and qualitative analysis of library and archival collections. We will also explore the limitations and risks of these technologies. You will work with real-world collections.
Diverse Populations, Inclusion, and Information
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Restriction: Permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
Credit only granted for: LBSC620 OR INST620.
Formerly: LBSC620.
Importance of equality of information access. Social, political, and technological barriers to information. Information needs of diverse and underrepresented populations. Principles of inclusive information services.
Advanced Usability Testing
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; or (INFM605 or INST631).
Restriction: Permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
Credit only granted for: INFM702 or INST702.
Formerly: INFM702.
Usability test design, implementation and analysis for computer and mobile devices; special attention will be paid to remote testing. Students will learn the complex process of coordinating and facilitating a usability test and how to synthesize test data into reports appropriate for various audiences.
(Perm Req)
Credits: 1 - 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Contact department for information to register for this course.
Data Integration and Preparation for Analytics
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: INFM600, INST630, and INST733; and (INFM603 or JOUR652) ; or permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the end-to-end processes for acquiring, ingesting, managing, cleansing, transforming and integrating data sources for the purposes of reporting andanalytics. Concepts include data acquisition, data streaming, data staging, standardization, data quality, concept and metadata harmonization, transformation, and data modeling. Students will learn how ingested data sets can be transformed, integrated, and prepared for analytical use.
Data Visualization
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud, S-F
Prerequisite: INST630; or INFM603; or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Permission of INFO-College of Information Studies.
Credit only granted for: INST760 or INST728V.
Formerly: INST728V.
Introduction to the science and technology of data visualization--the graphical representation of data to aid understanding--and includes both theoretical foundations as well as practical applications of integrated visualization techniques on real-world problems. Application of these techniques to state-of-the-art problem domains within research, society, and industry.
(Perm Req)
Museum Scholarship Practicum
Credits: 3 - 6
Grad Meth: Reg, S-F
Prerequisite: AMST856, ANTH856, or HIST810.
Restriction: Permission of Museum Scholarship Program required.
Cross-listed with: AMST857, ANTH857, HIST811.
Credit only granted for: AMST857, ANTH857, HIST811, INST728I or INST787.
Students devise and carry out a research program using the collections at the Smithsonian Institution or some other cooperating museum, working under joint supervision of a museum professional and a university faculty member.
Master's Thesis Research
Credits: 1 - 3
Grad Meth: S-F
Contact department for information to register for this course.
Individual Research Experience
Credits: 1 - 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud, S-F
Pre-Candidacy Research
Credits: 1 - 8
Grad Meth: Reg
Contact department for information to register for this course.
(Perm Req)
Doctoral Dissertation Research; Doctoral Dissertation
Credits: 1
Grad Meth: S-F
Contact department for information to register for this course.