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Courses - Fall 2024
Architecture Department Site
Design Thinking and Architecture
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Examines conceptual, perceptual, behavioral, and technical aspects of the built environment, and methods of analysis, problem-solving, and design implementation.
(Perm Req)
Design Thinking and Making in Architecture
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Restriction: Must be a major in ARCH-Architecture Program; and must be a freshman; or have permission of the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation.
Examines iterative design processes and critical thinking skills through active learning and design thinking methodologies to solve problems and apply design as a lens of inquiry and exploration. Students will understand Design Thinking through interactive and experiential learning.
(Perm Req)
Elements and Principles of Architecture
Credits: 1
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture Program.
Survey of fundamental elements and principals of architecture and architectural education. Frames study of architecture as a profession, discipline and critical practice.
History of World Architecture II
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Post-1500 - History of Architecture survey course - History of Architecture structured to develop critical thinking and visually literacy with regard to the worldwide legacy of design thinking and building innovation in architecture
Design in Practice
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Case studies and hands-on design projects ranging in scale from a product to a building to give students insight into the process by which architects work both individually and collaboratively to put disciplinary knowledge and expertise into practice to shape our built environment.

A Fearless Ideas Course from the Academy for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (AIE). Click here for more information on the Fearless Ideas Courses.
People, Planet, and Profit: Building Sustainable Places
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Cross-listed with: RDEV250.
Credit only granted for: ARCH271 or RDEV250.
An introduction to the four disciplines represented in the School: architecture and urban design, community planning, historic preservation, and real estate development, that work to create a more sustainable environment for the future to create a more sustainable environment for the future using our interpretation of the quadruple bottom line: socio-cultural, economic, environmental, and design sustainability. Students will be provided with an understanding of the fundamental scholarship and processes of each of these disciplines and examine the intersections between them. Additionally, they will learn by applying the approaches of the four disciplines through a series of field studies.
(Perm Req)
Design Media and Representation II
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: ARCH200; or permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture Program.
Study of architectural representation in physical and digital design media. Examine visual communications and speculative visual studies through applied drawing, modeling and making to explore expanded roles of representation in design and design thinking.
(Perm Req)
Experiential Learning
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F
Restriction: Must have learning proposal approved by faculty sponsor and student's internship sponsor; and sophomore standing or higher; and permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Learning experience tied to internship of specified duration with targeted learning outcomes.
(Perm Req)
Architecture Design Studio II
Credits: 6
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ARCH400.
Restriction: Must be in Architecture (B.S.) program.
Continuation of ARCH 400 with introduction to building typology, urban and contextual issues, design of the vertical surface, and architectural interiors.
(Perm Req)
Architecture Design Studio IV
Credits: 6
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ARCH402.
Restriction: Must be in Architecture (B.S.) program.
Investigations into the relationship between the man-made and the natural world including introductory issues of assembly and material value. Design of the site and the building are combined into an integral process delimiting and probing the boundaries of each and exploring their reciprocal relationship. The architect's obligations to the natural and urban contexts are explored in many dimensions including historical, typological, environmental, and physical.
(Perm Req)
Graduate Architecture Design Studio I
Credits: 6
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Recommended: For 3 1/2 year graduate students only.
Restriction: Must be in Architecture (Master's) program.
Introduction to architectural design with particular emphasis on conventions and principles of architecture , visual and verbal communication skills, formal analysis, design process, spatial composition, architectural promenade, basic program distribution, and elementary constructional and environmental responses. Offered fall only.
(Perm Req)
Graduate Architecture Design Studio III
Credits: 6
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ARCH405.
Restriction: Must be in Architecture (Master's) program.
Investigations into the relationship between the man-made and the natural world including introductory issues of assembly and material value. Design of the site and the building are combined into an integral process delimiting and probing the boundaries of each and exploring their reciprocal relationship. The architect's obligations to the natural and urban contexts are explored in many dimensions including historical, typological, environmental, and physical.
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architectural Technology; Alternative Building Technologies
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architectural Technology; Artificial Intelligence and Architecture: Background, Applications, and the Design Process
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
(Perm Req)
History of Architecture II
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Credit only granted for: ARCH226 or ARCH426.
Additional information: Graduate architecture history course requires additional recitation section and additional coursework tied to survey lectures.
Post-1500 - History of Architecture survey course - History of Architecture structured to develop critical thinking and visually literacy with regard to the worldwide legacy of design thinking and building innovation in architecture. Structured to nurture critical thinking and visually literacy with regard to the worldwide legacy of architecture. The work in the course will involve the evaluation of sources and arguments in reading architectural history. Architecture will be framed relative to ways of thinking, religious beliefs, cultural heritage, and cultural values.
Offered fall only.
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architectural History; History of Structure and Construction
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architectural History; Cities of the Early Modern Mediterranean
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
The Mediterranean Sea forms a framework for exploring architecture and cities in the early modern period, focusing mainly on the 16th century and examining key cities such as Venice, Istanbul, Rome, Aleppo, Seville, Granada, with the aim of discovering parallels and contrasts between urban form, architecture, and society under Christian and Islamic rule. Themes include religious complexes as urban design, sociallife and public space, trade and commerce, building practices and cultures, and the impact of disaster (war, epidemics, earthquakes, fire)on urban form. Wider global connections such as the intertwined histories of coffee, sugar, and slaves will be considered. Students will learn different approaches to studying cities and architecture, along with methods for analyzing them in cross-cultural context through a mix of lectures, workshops, and discussions. Sustained attendance and engagement required.
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architectural History; Medieval Architecture
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: ARCH225 and ARCH226. Jointly offered with ARCH628N. Credit only granted for: ARCH428N or ARCH628N.

Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean produced a unique building culture in which design was flexible and deeply grounded in the act of construction. In this class, we will trace the diversity of Byzantine, Islamic, Romanesque and Gothic architecture through select case studies.Students will learn to unravel buildings in terms of phases of construction, relate each phase to a different social or political context, and describe the structural technologies that medieval masons rightly flaunted.
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architectural History; Writing Architecture in Practice
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
(Perm Req)
Measuring Sustainability in Architecture
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Credit only granted for: ARCH430 or ARCH418M.
Formerly: ARCH418M.
Studies metrics of sustainability as included in rating standards, including LEED. All students will take the LEED GA test.
(Perm Req)
Visual Communication For Architects
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Corequisite: ARCH400.
Restriction: Must be in Architecture (Master's) program; and must be in the 3.5 year M. ARCH program.
Investigation of the relationship between drawing from life and architectural drawing, the conventions of architectural drawing and the role of architectural drawing as a means to develop, communicate, and generate architectural ideas.
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Visual Studies in Architecture; Applied Model Making
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Urban Design; Intro to Creative Placemaking: Practices & Principles
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
This hybrid case-study based seminar is the introductory course for the Creative Place Making minor; it will introduce students to Creative Placemaking as a practice that leverages the power of the arts, culture, and design to support equitable, vibrant, and sustainable communities. Students will analyze Creative Placemaking initiatives around the United States that elevate our shared humanity and address critical challenges, such as conversations about racial injustice, inequitable development, climate change or celebrations of the diverse communities and cultures around us. Such projects enable us to consider and imagine ethical development practices, especially in underserved and historically marginalized neighborhoods. Students will explore a range of issues related to designing, planning, executing, and evaluating this work. Based on presentations from CP practitioners, they will create presentations to capture the ways that artists and designers in partnership with local culture bearers and knowledge keepers can play a vital role in shaping, keeping, and making a place.
(Perm Req)
Site Analysis and Design
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Restriction: Must be in the Master of Architecture program; or permission of the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation.
Principles and methods of site analysis; the influence of natural and man-made site factors on site design and architectural form.
(Perm Req)
Methods & Materials of Building Construction
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: PHYS121 or equivalent; and MATH120 or MATH140 or equivalent; or permission of the ARCH-Architecture Program.
Restriction: Must be in a major in undergraduate or graduate ARCH program or Construction Project Management Minor.
Credit only granted for: ARCH410 or ARCH462.
Building Construction methods and materials are examined through case studies to explore the means and techniques applied to the material execution of buildings and BIM. Focus on an understanding of the organization of the design and construction process and awareness of building and zoning codes, material systems and types.
(Perm Req)
Architectural Structures I
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: ARCH462, ARCH463, and PHYS121; and MATH120 or MATH140, or equivalent; or permission of the ARCH-Architecture Program.
Corequisite: ARCH401 or ARCH406.
Restriction: Must be in either BS in Architecture or M.Architecture Program.
Credit only granted for: ARCH411 or ARCH464.
This course covers the basic principles of architectural structures, including the influence of geometric, sectional, and material properties related to flexure and shear in beam and framed systems; vector mechanics with application to analysis of trusses, catenaries, and arches; diagrammatic analysis of beams for bending moment, shear, and deflection as well as the study of structural framing systems for vertical and lateral loads.
(Perm Req)
Environmental Systems in Architecture
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: ARCH462 and ARCH463.
Corequisite: ARCH403 or ARCH406.
Restriction: Must be in either BS in Architecture or M. Architecture Program.
Credit only granted for: ARCH413 or ARCH466.
Environmental systems in architecture presents the theory, quantification, and architectural design implications for heating ventilating and air conditioning, water and waste, fire protection, electricity, illumination, acoustics, and vertical transportation.
(Perm Req)
Integrated Project Delivery
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture Program; or must be in Construction Project Management Minor.
Integrated Project Delivery is examined from design to implementation through an exploration of building construction, architectural design and construction management perspectives.
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architecture; Resume and Portfolio Design
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Restricted to students with 90 credits. Cross-listed with ARCH668P. Credit only granted for ARCH468P or ARCH668P.
(Perm Req)
Computer Applications in Architecture
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Prerequisite: ARCH400; or permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Introduction to computer utilization, with emphasis on architectural applications.
(Perm Req)
Building Information Modeling Communication and Collaboration
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture Program; or must be in the Construction Project Management Minor.
Credit only granted for: ARCH678I or ARCH472.
Formerly: ARCH678I.
Building Information Modeling is explored as pertains to collaboration and communication in the design and construction of buildings and building systems. Practical and empirical learning using BIM software and case studies of real world projects and construction scenarios.
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architecture; Architecture and Cinema: Place and Film
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
This course explores the relationship between architecture and cinema, or more broadly, place and film. Students will explore the portrayal and use of architecture and place within the development of both early and contemporary film, across genres, and cultures.
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architecture; Adaptation
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
This seminar investigates adaptation as both philosophy and practice. It explores adaptive processes at various scales (materials, buildings, cities, landscapes) and of various types (reuse, reframing, addition/subtraction, infill, preservation, recovery, erasure). Topics include memory and the artifact; building as palimpsest; obsolescence and renewal; adaptation and sustainability; new architecture in historic contexts; urban/suburban retrofits; and recovered landscapes. Students delve into case studies and theoretical writings, as well as the practical aspects of engaging in adaptive reuse and renovation. Involving close reading and discussion of complex texts, lectures, workshops, and individual and group research, this course requires sustained attendance and engagement.
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architecture; Environmental Psychology
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, P-F, Aud
Focuses on the role of design in human behavior, exploring people-place relationships centered on human physical, physiological, psychological, sociological, and intellectual responses to elements of the built environment.
(Perm Req)
Integrated Design Studio V
Credits: 6
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Corequisite: ARCH611.
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Integrated and comprehensive building and site design. Course content bridges the gap between design and technology, between practice and education, in a studio setting. Explorations include the integration of conceptual and technical aspects of architectural form and assembly, highlighting the ways in which multiple layers of a building design are developed, coordinated and resolved.
(Perm Req)
Advanced Architecture Technology Seminar
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Corequisite: ARCH600.
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Technology in design of buildings. Application of technological issues in building design; integration of technology in architecture; technology as a form determinant in architecture; other conceptual and philosophical issues related to the application of technology in the design, construction, and use of buildings.
Offered fall only.
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architectural Technology; Alternative Building Technologies
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architectural History; History of Structure and Construction
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architectural History; Cities of the Early Modern Mediterranean
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
The Mediterranean Sea forms a framework for exploring architecture and cities in the early modern period, focusing mainly on the 16th century and examining key cities such as Venice, Istanbul, Rome, Aleppo, Seville, Granada, with the aim of discovering parallels and contrasts between urban form, architecture, and society under Christian and Islamic rule. Themes include religious complexes as urban design, sociallife and public space, trade and commerce, building practices and cultures, and the impact of disaster (war, epidemics, earthquakes, fire)on urban form. Wider global connections such as the intertwined histories of coffee, sugar, and slaves will be considered. Students will learn different approaches to studying cities and architecture, along with methods for analyzing them in cross-cultural context through a mix of lectures, workshops, and discussions. Sustained attendance and engagement required.
(Perm Req)
Selected Topics in Architectural History; Medieval Architecture
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Jointly offered with ARCH428N. Credit only granted for: ARCH428N or ARCH628N.

Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean produced a unique building culture in which design was flexible and deeply grounded in the act of construction. In this class, we will trace the diversity of Byzantine, Islamic, Romanesque and Gothic architecture through select case studies.Students will learn to unravel buildings in terms of phases of construction, relate each phase to a different social or political context, and describe the structural technologies that medieval masons rightly flaunted.
(Perm Req)
Urban Design Seminar
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: ARCH654; or permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Credit only granted for: ARCH451 or ARCH655.
Formerly: ARCH451.
Advanced investigation into problems of analysis and evaluation of the design of urban areas, spaces, and complexes with emphasis on physical and social considerations; effects of public policies through case studies. Field observations.
Advanced Selected Topics in Architecture; Resume and Portfolio Design
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Cross-listed with ARCH468P. Credit only granted for ARCH468P or ARCH668P.
(Perm Req)
Advanced Selected Topics in Architecture; Architecture and Cinema: Place and Film
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
(Perm Req)
Advanced Selected Topics in Architecture; Adaptation
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
This seminar investigates adaptation as both philosophy and practice. It explores adaptive processes at various scales (materials, buildings, cities, landscapes) and of various types (reuse, reframing, addition/subtraction, infill, preservation, recovery, erasure). Topics include memory and the artifact; building as palimpsest; obsolescence and renewal; adaptation and sustainability; new architecture in historic contexts; urban/suburban retrofits; and recovered landscapes. Students delve into case studies and theoretical writings, as well as the practical aspects of engaging in adaptive reuse and renovation. Involving close reading and discussion of complex texts, lectures, workshops, and individual and group research, this course requires sustained attendance and engagement.
(Perm Req)
Advanced Selected Topics in Architecture; Environmental Psychology
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Focuses on the role of design in human behavior, exploring people-place relationships centered on human physical, physiological, psychological, sociological, and intellectual responses to elements of the built environment.
Advanced Independent Studies in Architecture; Independent Study in Architecture
Credits: 1 - 4
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Contact department for information to register for this course.
(Perm Req)
Urban Design Studio VII
Credits: 6
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Studio problems and theories concentrating on urbanism and urban design techniques. Issues and sites range from high density urban in-fill to suburban and greenfield development in American and other contexts. Studio theories explore such topics as Contextualism, Neo-Traditional design, Transit-Oriented Development, density, sustainable development building typology, and street design.
(Perm Req)
Professional Practice of Architecture
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Project management, organizational, legal, economic and ethical aspects of architecture.
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg, Aud
Prerequisite: ARCH601.
Directed research and preparation of thesis program.
(Perm Req)
Thesis in Architecture
Credits: 3
Grad Meth: Reg
Contact department for information to register for this course.
Master's Thesis Research
Credits: 1 - 6
Grad Meth: S-F
Restricted to ARCH majors only.
Contact department for information to register for this course.